here are some of my fav. fan stories
i have them from the boards,from different sites and so on-hope nobody won't be against posting them here(there's chance to recognize your own story-im sorry if i don't remeber your username but i've saved the stories without names).if you don't want your storu to be posted e-mail me( and ill delete it here it is : No-9 (jon)
I met Jon in August 1997 during a private breakfast concert I won on a local radio station. It was during Destination Anywhere era and Hugh was there also. Jon was extremely nice and very friendly to everyone he took time to pose for pics and autographs with everyone. My avatar is from that day. Hugh was very friendly too. My only regret was Richie, Dave and Tico were not there but heck I met Jon so it was still a great day!!!
Early June, 1998 Last night Heather and I went up to see Tico play a reunion concert with a band he used to be in called T Roth and Another Pretty Face. Here's what happened.... It was at a place called the Soundgarden in Lodi, NJ...a nightclub. Once we found the place, we went inside and had a drink and waited for them to come started at 11 pm. Just before 11, we spotted some people we knew. We stood right up against the stage...a very small one at that...we were about 5 feet in front of Tico. We had no idea what to expect from this show since we had never heard of the band before, but we had a great time. Tico was amazing on the drums, I just couldn't stop watching him, besides that, every time I looked at the singer, I couldn't help myself from laughing...Tico looked really great...and was in a good mood. He smiled at Heather and I while he was playing...and during a break between songs, the four of us yelled out his name, and he gave a big wave and laughed. The lead singer of the band seemed a little bit wacko, but there were a lot of fans of the band there (just as crazy as us BJ fans) ...and I have to say, we got a really scary picture of how we are all gonna look in 20 years at a Bon Jovi reunion concert (that is if the boys will hang on that long for us! LOL) We had to crack up at all these ppl...they were absolutely hysterical...*wink to Heather on the lady dancing by herself ROFL* The show ended at about 1 am. After the show was over, we went out to the side of the club to find Tico...he was inside another place talking to a lot of ppl with the rest of the band....we tried to get in, but weren't we waited. Finally at about 2 am, Tico came out to us. He signed autographs, and then I asked if he would mind taking a pic with me and he said of course come on over...anyway, we got our stuff signed, pics taken, chatted for a few minutes with him, and he went back inside. And that's it!
On Friday March 27th, 1998 I had the pleasure of meeting my all-time fave musician: Richie Sambora...he's been my fave member of the band almost from the very beginning...OK I was hooked on Jon first but then Richie sorta pushed him in the background...He,he! Anyhow...Me and a friend went into Oslo with only ONE goal in mind: Finding Richie!! He was in Norway doing promotion for his Undiscovered Soul CD...We had booked a hotel room at the Oslo Plaza, thinking that Richie was staying there..but upon strolling around the city centre...we ended up in front of Grand Hotel... which is one of the finest hotels in Oslo..and a very "cosy" one too! 2 girls were standing outside and one of them had a very "revealing jacket" on...revealing because it gave her away as a BJ fan! It was the Backstage With Jon Bon Jovi satin jacket.. They told us that Richie stayed at this hotel...and we had only missed him going back from some rehearsals to a TV show he was doing later that night...Just my luck...missed my hero by minutes! But this time lady luck had decided to show me some mercy! They told us he was definitely coming back out later to got to a radio interview and also for the TV show...we talked for a while and struck up a of the girls wasn't a BJ fan but still very amused by us and very sweet! They were going to do some shopping and we agreed to meet up a couple of hours later on...outside the hotel..In the meantime my friend and I headed into the hotel to check for room rates... only to find that a double room was only slightly more expensive than the one we'd booked at the Plaza...we called the other hotel to cancel our reservation and checked in at the Grand Hotel! After unpacking we went back to the lobby to see if we could at least get a GLIMPSE of the friend smokes so she sat in the smoking area, she told me to keep an eye out for Richie and I did...I DID see him running down part of the he was looking for someone or something...I called my friend but Richie went back we had to do some more waiting...The time for meeting the 2 other girls came up...I went outside and there I saw Richie's driver and van...I got my friend and we waited outside to meet Richie....wouldn't stop him inside the hotel lobby.. After about one hours wait our patience paid off!! Out he came...and I was brave enough to approach him!! "Hi Richie" I said and had my hand reached out to greet him..he took it and said "Hi hon" or something back.. I asked if I could have my picture taken with him and he said "sorry I don't have time.." but quickly changed that into "OK come on ladies" He held his arms up wide open and waved us to him like "come gimme a hug!" My friend and I quickly went to him and had one pic taken!! One of the girls we met took the pic with her camera...I got mine up and asked if she could take one with mine so...Richie really was running late but didn't rush off with a "nope! gotta go!" Not him! A guy behind him said quick, gotta go!" but Richie said "sure!" I was standing there and I stuttered to him " Thanks for stopping..sorry for holding you up here!" Usually my spoken English is fluent but at this moment I spoke as badly as my mother speak English! I couldn't say anything that made any good sense at all....Jeez, I was in a complete state of shock!! Richie replied "No problem darling!" or something in that line...He was really friendly and obviously happy to see us outside the hotel When Richie left my tears started to come...but I did held them back by sheer willpower! Jeez I'm 31 years...can't go acting like I'm 13 then and start whimpering just because I met this guy! He,he! I was shaking all over but managed to calm down...we all went together to get something to eat...then we headed to the TV studio that the TV show Richie was going to perform in was being shot...It's a live show...and it does have studio audience but they don't show the audience..
Well we got into the studio...and after a while into the show...He was there!! Of course lots of smiles and waves from us!! He noticed us and certainly gave us his share of attention...He seemed to love ours... He,he! When he was being introduced we made it clear to each and everyone in the studio who we was there to see...We yelled so loud that the guy responsible for the audience had to try to calm us down...
After his fist performance..he sang In It For Love acoustic...he passed right in front of us on his way out of the TV studio...of course he couldn't help himself joking with us as he passed us by! LOL He did a funny walk and made funny faces to us...cracked us up BIG TIME!!
Then further into the show it was his turn to come on again...he came out a few minutes before he was gonna be on..and certainly noticed us once again! Fooling around, correcting his clothes in a jokingly of the girl we met in Oslo.... the BJ fan one...she whispered to me..."if he checks his zipper, I'll crack up" I had serious troubles keeping my calm...I had to go to the bathroom so badly and I was about to burst out in a really LOUD laughter but managed to hold it in..He,he!
Well he played Hard Times Comes Easy with the show's "houseband" and he was obviously impressed because he went around shaking hands with everyone afterwards!! and we gave him a standing ovation!! Boy he did love that!
This was definitely a dream come true to me...even though I couldn't get an autograph I was still happy to only have met the guy!
Hi. Just wanted to say how strong the influence of Bon Jovi truly is. Last year was exteremly hard for me. I lost my dad, grandmother, and mom was diagnosed with kidney disease. Jon's lyrics helped me truly feel better about the situation. Especially Keep the Faith. At the time, i had lost a lot of faith in many things, and that got me through it. I also got to attend a private charity event where Jon was playing. We got to see the real Jon. Down to Earth, extermely nice, and was able to make everyone comfortable. He took questions, and requests. It was wonderful. I also realized that we are so lucky to be fans of a simply incredible band. The concert proved how great. JOn did everything he could to make us comfortable, and i think that is saying alot. Who else would put a BJTV segment o n their website, so we could in our own way be involved in the creation of "Bounce"? I think we are extemely lucky fans. If any of the boys read this, THANK YOU so much for everything you have done for me the past year.
I have met Dave twice and Jon and Tico on the Fan club trip in 1998 (or1997? Can't rememebr which year...) Anyway the 1st one in Ft Lauderdale. I really really really want to meet Richie but I haven't...YET! He left the acoustic show in Lauderdale early and I didn't get to meet him. My best experience was meeting Dave the last time (1999 I think). He had come to Columbia to play in Hootie and the Blowfish's Monday after the MAsters (Golf tournament) and my roommate and I sat outside the hotel they stayed at till late afternoon and had no luck. We had met Dan Marino and the guys from Hootie and some other people but no Dave. As we were leaving this car drives up and Dave gets out. I go running up Main St ( Wasn't pretty! )and got his attention he took pics with my roommate and I and I had HIS solo CD 'On a Full Moon" for him to sign and I thought the man was going to cry. He was like "This is yours? You own this CD?" It was very special. I guess he was expecting a Jovi CD. I got a great big hug after that. Dave is a great guy and I loved that he got to sing backup with Richie on IBTFU this tour. It really made me smile. But like I said Richie is next and I love me some Richie! LOL
No-4 (jon)
OK so I live like 2 minutes from Jon, but usually don't see him that much out at stores and places like that but...... OK so i just bought TLFR at Best Buy, and i was walking to my car. I noticed Jon's car parked next to me. Wow I flipped out. I figure he is in modell's so i go in, and whos standing looking at football jerseys??!! JON!!! I walk up to him and say Hi.(we know eachother from around town, we see eachother at football all the time in the fall and summer) Jon goes: Hey babe hows it goin? I said fine ande we talked for a while about TLFR. so next I go- We've been missing you at Chargers(pop warner team Jesse plays for). Jon goes- OH i was ther last night, but i missed you. We talk for a bit about chargers and their season. Dorotha comes over i say hi and give her congrats on being pregnant. We said our goodbyes and Jon and I hugged!!! OMG this was an awesome day. TO answer some of your questions: Jon took his navigator. <he was wearing jeans, and a suede jacket. No, he was at a regular modlells. in our town people dont really bother him, everyone knows its him. People usually smile and say hi, he wants to be treated like everyone else in his town
I also met them at that same promotional show in Boston. I actually was in the club about an hour before the rest of the audience was let in, (for the sound check and such) and didnt realize that the guys entered the room and I accidentally turned around and stepped right o n Jon's foot. Of course I was so embarrassed and I almost fell right o n my face, but he was super sweet about it, and put his arm around me when I apologized. I talked to him for a couple minutes after that. Richie was really nice too, he kidded with me about almost breaking jon's foot. Jon did seem less than thrilled during the show part, but they told me they'd been o n the road since 4 am. That'd probably make me a little grumpy too! My little sister and I met the band back in '94 and we had a very good experience overall.
Jon was particularly warm and affectionate with us. He signed a few things for us without making a fuss. He hugged us both after my sister told him how much we love Bon Jovi. He stuck around and signed autographs for others and took pictures with all who asked. Richie was his usual sweet and funny self. Also very nice.
No-2 (jon)
It is more than a little ironic that, in the midst of my reading Not Fade Away, an e-mail arrived at this website from a woman named Sue Fischer of Erie, Pa. How Sue thought to contact me is a mystery that I prefer to keep that way. I guess I see the whole thing as a weird kind of test for me. Sue was just a Mom who wanted to do something terrific for her 15-year-old daughter Laura, and she had heard that I knew the rock star Jon Bon Jovi through his ownership of the brand-new Philadelphia Soul team in the Arena Football League. Sue said Laura's dream was to meet Jon Bon Jovi.
Laura is not your average teenager. She has suffered more medical problems than I have the space to list here. She nearly died at least twice in her early years, and only her will to live, an amazingly resilient family and her near obsession with Bon Jovi kept her going. Today she is considered mentally challenged, I guess, as a result of brain surgery when she was an infant. She also has cerebral palsy and had a seizure disorder that was corrected years ago with a dangerous operation.
Personally, I think she's about as blessed a young woman as I've ever met.
I am not proud to admit that in any other week I probably would have deleted the message from Sue Fischer. I get tons of these every week, and there's just no way to address them all. For years, I have addressed very few of them, I must admit. I was just too busy doing absolutely nothing.
This time, though, I thought about the message of Not Fade Away and immediately contacted Sue. When we weren't able to put something together in time for Jon's appearances on my radio and TV shows on Nov. 10, we turned our attention to the Nov. 16 concert by Bon Jovi at the Borgata in Atlantic City.
Thanks to amazing people associated with the Soul and the Borgata -- Tim Farrell and Larry Mullen, respectively -- Laura Fischer had a night that she will never forget. She saw a two-hour concert that featured every hit the band has ever recorded, and then she met Jon himself backstage. My wife Gail and I accompanied her, along with her Mom and a friend of the family.
On the seven-hour ride from Erie to Atlantic City, Laura sang to every song from every CD the rock group has ever recorded. When she finally got to meet Jon, she literally jumped for joy more times than I could count. Jon, who is quickly becoming one of my favorite people, hugged her, posed with her for photos and accepted a homemade card Laura had made for him. On the ride home, Sue said Laura sang louder than ever before because she wanted to make Jon proud of her.
I know the whole thing sounds unbelievably corny, but it was one of the best things I've ever experienced in my life. Watching Laura's face during the concert was better than any performance I've ever witnessed.
Please understand, I'm not telling this story to illustrate what a wonderful guy I am. In fact, it probably only proves what a total jerk I've been for too many years. There are a lot more Lauras out there that I could have helped if I gave a damn about somebody other than myself for all of these years.
Hopefully, I learned an important lesson from Laura Fischer on Nov. 16. Maybe there's a lesson for all of us in this story. If there is, I can thank a book like none I've ever read.
No-1: it's from BSWJBJ board.there was a guy whose username was SIR-IAN and he mentioned he had met JON,so i asked him to tell me all the details and when he did it immediately turned into my fav. story. here it is:
WAHOO! IM FAMOUS!! thank you both, where do i start? i work for the tube or london underground or the subway as you americans call it (according to films anyway) at the time i met jon i was working in a place called THE ROYAL ARSENAL WEST, which was m.o.d. (ministery of defence ie the goverment) property so it was closed off to the public and is huge,like a town on its own which is why it was perfect for film companies. lots of stuff has been filmed there and lots of famous and not so famous people have been there, spice mooses did their "wannabe" video there unknown at the time they were nice, they came back a few albums later for an advert and were the most bigheaded arrogant twats you could meet, val kilmer= twat! cindy crawford= freindly,! lighthouse family,supergrass and loads of others too many to name really, anyway jon! (sorry just filling in the background!) i had seen him at wembley for the crossroads tour which turned out to be the gig filmed ie the "live in london" show, november that year he came to our place to film "leading man" in it with him were david warner (got his head chopped off in the film "the omen") barry humphries (aka dame edna everage) who were both driven in everyday in their limo's and were far to good to talk to us mortals which could be why no one asked em for their autograph which in turn give them the right hump, especially humphries (no pun intended) who actually asked "you do know who i am" in which i said yes which lead him to say dont you want an autograph?! when i said no he just stormed off, made us all laugh big style! jon was just like an everyday guy, i was on the barrier where i have to ask them to come and sign in (security reasons ya see there was an army base at the other end of our site and this was just after the ira blew up canary wharf) which he was fine with the others had moaned and groaned about it, everyday he was like "yeah sure" everyday he just parked up and signed in no probs. i had brought in a cd (this aint a love song ltd edition) hoping he would sign it, i asked him, saying how i had seen the wembley show, and just started chatting he said it was the best stadium atmosphere he had known, asked me my name,signed my cd, thanked me for going to the concert (which i couldnt believe!) and then poodled off in his car to the set. he had a huge winniebago which he never spent any time in,only to change costume,make up etc, apart from that he was like one of the boys, used the portaloos, ate on the crew bus (they use a double decker bus for their canteen which all the normal ! people use ie set crew etc NEVER the actors as they have their own place to eat) he signed loads of stuff for anybody that asked and there was a lot! we had a couple of companies that used to work their permanantly so there was a regular staff on site of about 100 people not counting the film crew, and nearly everyone talked to him including a few of the soldiers from the barracks, he was just really nice to everyone he must of got writers cramp when he left! he also signed a cd for my wife cos it was her birthday and he also gave me a signed photo as well, his driver was a guy called freddie chichester who we knew as he had drove quite a few stars to the set, we saw him a month or so later and he told us that jon had given him the range rover he had driven him in! i liked bon jovi at that point so i was excited about him coming especially after wembley but i wasnt a huge fan as it were, after meeting him i was, he was genuinely the nicest star we had down there a definite ! 'a' list star with such a down to earth personality was just amazing as most em were just arrogant twats. since then i have been a BIG bon jovi fan and will be till the day i die. it was definitely 2 weeks i actually enjoyed going to work and that dont ever happen as i never want to go to work! hope that is ok for ya bounce99 anymore questions just ask i dont mind, i just dont want people to think im namedropping or bigheaded cos i met him, i feel privaleged to have met him it was the best experience i have had
