Home Page | pix of BJ 1 | TOP 9 FAN STORIES | pix of BJ 2 | pix of BJ 3 | Guest Book Page | pix of BJ 4 | pix of BJ 5 | pix of other artists-CHECK | some lyrics of other artists | JBJ my painting.LOOK | Rob Halford -my painting2 | M. Manson -my painting3 | Iron Maiden monster-painting4

hi ppl .all BJ fanatics are welcome !!!! :)

first -it's me -bounce99

Hi BON JOVI  fans. My name is Irena .Im from Bulgaria (South Eastern Europe) and Im 15(Im BJ fan since 2000). My hobbies are goin' out with friends,playing computer games,reading books and...and I suppose you can guess what my biggest hobby is ;)

below you can see what this site contains( a cool BJ quiz,top 9 fan stories,pix of BJ and other fav.artists and don't forget to sign my guestbook-it means alot to me) :

great BJ quiz! take the challenge?

i made this quiz for you to see if you deserve to wear a BJ T-shirt.it contains 10 question and here it is clickable direct link:



I've never had the pleasure of meeting a member of the band so i LOVE reading fan stories. here are some of my fav. ever- most of them are from the boards ,so it's possible to recognize your own story-if you don't want the story to be posted just tell me (my e-mail is at the bottom of this home page) and it will be immediately deleted.


now the pix-just click on pix of BJ 1,2,3,4,5 and you'll see my fav. pic of all time,also if you want to see some other artist of the kind click on the "pic of other artists-check" page

my e-mail :   bounce99@abv.bg

"it's a bitch but life is roller coaster ride,the ups and downs will make you scream sometimes,but we got to go round again,so let's hold on..."