here are pix of some of my other fav. performers
of course there are many other but i can post only some of them.
some of the artists that are not here but they really desreve to are : Aerosmith,Pink Floyd,Billy Idol,Europe,Helloween,Judas Priest,Eagles,Uriah Heep,Rainbow,Styx,Rolling Stones,The 69 Eyes and many more (im sure im missing someone).

what beautiful eyes,aren't they? ;)
no seriously-he's my 2nd fav. performer after BJ -i do not agree with his attitude but the music is awsome!he's just a man of art!

Claus Meine has just unbelievable voice ;also meaningful lyrics-how can you not to love them?
KISS (Gene Simons)

when i was 7 or 8 there was no way to connect this look with "i was made for lovin' you ".i always thought there was some mistake and such a song can't be sung by guys spitting blood -hehe
but now i love everything about them

if you are a Marilyn Manson fan you have to be and Alice Cooper fan or more exactly -the opposite
IRON MAIDEN (Bruce Dickinson)

what to tell you -it's classic!

Description here
and you know JBJ said it once-"BLAME IT ON THE LOVE OF ROCK&ROLL"
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